How are current economic conditions affecting judgment collections?

The current economic conditions are having a significant impact on judgment collections. With the COVID-19 pandemic leading to a global economic downturn, businesses and individuals are finding it increasingly challenging to pay their debts, including those covered by judgments. Here are some of the ways that the current economic conditions are affecting judgment collections.

Increase in Judgments

One potential positive impact of economic downturns is an increase in the number of judgments awarded against debtors who are struggling to make payments. With businesses and individuals experiencing financial difficulties, it is becoming more challenging for them to pay their debts on time. As a result, more default judgments and other types of judgments may be awarded against them. These judgments may cover debts such as credit card bills, medical bills, and other types of unsecured debts.

However, while an increase in judgments may seem like a positive development for collections agencies and creditors, the reality is that collecting on these judgments can still be challenging. Many debtors may not have the financial resources to pay their debts, even if a judgment has been awarded against them. As a result, collections agencies need to be creative and persistent in their efforts to collect on these judgments.

Decrease in Payment Ability

While an increase in the number of judgments may occur during economic downturns, debtors may find it increasingly challenging to pay their debts. This can make it difficult for collection agencies and creditors to collect on already awarded judgments. With limited financial resources available, debtors may prioritize paying other debts or expenses over judgments. Additionally, debtors may be more likely to default on their payment plans or skip payments altogether during economic downturns.

What Post-Judgment Collection Looks Like


During economic downturns, there may be an increase in the number of debtors who file for bankruptcy. Bankruptcy can make it more challenging to collect on judgments, as the bankruptcy court may liquidate or protect the debtor’s assets. Additionally, bankruptcy filings can delay collections efforts, as the collections agency or creditor may need to file a claim in the bankruptcy case to have their debt included in the bankruptcy estate.

Collections Industry Changes

The current economic conditions may also impact the collections industry itself. Changes in regulations or changes in consumer behavior can make it more challenging to collect on judgments. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, many jurisdictions put a hold on collections activities to provide relief for struggling consumers. This meant that collections agencies were unable to pursue judgments during this time, which may have resulted in delays in collections efforts and increased costs associated with monitoring and managing judgments.

Additionally, changes in consumer behavior may make it more challenging to collect on judgments. For example, if consumers are more likely to use cashless payment methods, it may be more difficult to track their spending habits and identify sources of income that can be used to pay off judgments. Similarly, if consumers are more likely to shop online, collections agencies may need to adapt their strategies to target these digital channels and identify new ways to track and collect on debts.

Overall, the current economic conditions are having a significant impact on judgment collections. While the number of judgments may increase, debtors may find it increasingly challenging to pay their debts, bankruptcies may increase, and changes in the collections industry may make it more challenging to collect on judgments. Collections agencies and creditors need to be proactive and creative in their strategies to navigate these challenges, using technology and automation to improve efficiency and effectiveness while also remaining compliant with regulatory changes. By adapting to the changing economic conditions and leveraging new tools and resources, collection agencies can continue to achieve success in collecting on judgments.

How have the economic downturns in recent years affected the number of judgments being awarded against debtors?

Economic downturns in recent years have significantly impacted the number of judgments awarded against debtors. A downturn in the economy can lead to job losses, reduced income, and increased financial stress, all of which can make it more difficult for individuals and businesses to pay their debts. As a result, creditors may be more likely to seek judgments against debtors struggling to make payments, leading to an increase in the number of judgments awarded.

Increase in Judgments

During economic downturns, there may be an increase in the number of judgments being awarded against debtors. As more individuals and businesses struggle to make payments, creditors may become more aggressive in their efforts to collect debts, increasing lawsuits and other legal actions. Additionally, creditors may be more likely to pursue judgments against debtors who have been previously reluctant to pay their debts.

However, while an increase in the number of judgments may occur, it does not necessarily mean that collections agencies will be successful in collecting on these judgments. Many debtors may not have the financial resources to pay their debts, even if a judgment has been awarded against them. As a result, collections agencies may need to be creative and persistent in their efforts to collect on these judgments.

Difficulty in Collecting

Although there may be an increase in the number of judgments awarded during economic downturns, collecting on these judgments can be challenging. Many debtors may not have the financial resources to pay their debts, and collections agencies may need to use a variety of strategies to collect on these debts. For example, they may need to garnish wages or seize assets to satisfy the judgment.

Additionally, debtors may be more likely to challenge the judgment during economic downturns, making it more difficult for collection agencies to collect on the debt. Debtors may argue that they are unable to pay the debt due to financial hardship or that they were not properly served with the lawsuit.


During economic downturns, there may be an increase in the number of debtors who file for bankruptcy. Bankruptcy can make it more challenging to collect on judgments, as the bankruptcy court may liquidate or protect the debtor’s assets. Additionally, bankruptcy filings can delay collections efforts, as the collections agency or creditor may need to file a claim in the bankruptcy case to have their debt included in the bankruptcy estate.

Changes in Consumer Behavior

Economic downturns can also lead to changes in consumer behavior, making it more challenging to collect judgments. For example, if consumers are more likely to use cashless payment methods, it may be more difficult to track their spending habits and identify sources of income that can be used to pay off judgments. Similarly, if consumers are more likely to shop online, collections agencies may need to adapt their strategies to target these digital channels and identify new ways to track and collect debts.

Overall, economic downturns can have a significant impact on the number of judgments being awarded against debtors. While an increase in judgments may occur, debtors may find it increasingly challenging to pay their debts, bankruptcies may increase, and changes in consumer behavior may make it more challenging to collect on debts. Collections agencies and creditors need to be proactive and creative in their strategies to navigate these challenges, using technology and automation to improve efficiency and effectiveness while also remaining compliant with regulatory changes. By adapting to the changing economic conditions and leveraging new tools and resources, collection agencies can continue to achieve success in collecting judgments.